Neighbourhood Plan Committee

The Following councillors are on the Neighbourhood Plan Committee

Dee Laws – Whittlesey North West Ward (Conservative)

39 West Delph
Mobile: 07951 036667

I am also a Fenland District Councillor

Whittlesey North West Ward

I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees

Website Working Group

Chairman of Growing Fenland Whittlesey Stakeholder Group

Attend Planning Committee as a non-voting member

I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees

Fenland District Council Portfoilio Holder for Planning and Flooding

Licencing Committee (Substitute)

The (CPCA) Combined Authority Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee

I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies

Fletton Liason Group (Forterra)

Delph Flood Warden Group (Chairman)

I am also connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies

Feldale Internal Drainage Board

Hundred Wisbech Internal Drainage Board

March West & White Fen Internal Drainage Board

Middle Level Commissioners

Middle Level Commissioners Navigation Committee

North Level District Internal Drainage Board

The Combined Authority Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee

Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board

Water Resources (WRE) Strategic Advisory Group

Whittlesey Sothern Relief Road (SOBC)

Eamonn Dorling – Whittlesey East and Villages (Independent)

1 Davie Lane
Mobile: 07767 795816
Phone: 01733 205994

Whittlesey Town Councillor

Whittlesey East and Villages Ward

I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees

Member of Finance & Policy Committee

Property Working Group

I am also associated with these outside Groups & Committees

Whittlesey and District Business Community

Trustee of Alderman Jacobs Primary School

Chairman Thorney Running Club

Representative Cambridgeshire Climate Leaders Group

Treasurer Friends of The Manor