Whittlesey Mayor and Deputy Mayor

Whittlesey Mayor

Alex Miscandlon – Whittlesey North West Ward (Conservative)

Mayor of Whittlesey Town Council

Gravel house 4 Wisbech Road
Email: amiscandlon@fenland.gov.uk
Mobile: 07599 192208

I am a Fenland District Councillor for

Whittlesey East & the Villages (Conservative)

I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees

Fenland District Council Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Internal Drainage Boards

I am also connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies

Feldale Internal Drainage Board

Hundred Wisbech Internal Drainage Board

March West & White Fen Internal Drainage Board

Middle Level Commissioners Internal Drainage Board

North Level Internal Drainage Board

Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board

Water Resources East (WRE)

Whittlesey Deputy Mayor

Diana Dickinson – Whittlesey South Ward (Conservative)

Deputy Mayor of Whittlesey Town Council

42 Princes Gardens
Email: dianadickinson@whittleseytowncouncil.gov.uk
Mobile: 07726 762828

Whittlesey Town Councillor

Whittlesey South Ward

I am currently on the following Committees

Member of the Planning Committee

Website Working Group

Member of Community Project Committee

I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies

Growing fenland