The Following councillors are on the Planning Committee Alex Miscandlon is the Chairman
Alex Miscandlon – Whittlesey North West Ward (Conservative)
Mayor of Whittlesey Town Council

Gravel house 4 Wisbech Road
Mobile: 07599 192208
I am a Fenland District Councillor for
Whittlesey East & the Villages (Conservative)
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee (Chairman)
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Burnthouse Farm Wind Farm
I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees
Fenland District Council Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Internal Drainage Boards
I am also connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies
Feldale Internal Drainage Board
Hundred Wisbech Internal Drainage Board
March West & White Fen Internal Drainage Board
Middle Level Commissioners Internal Drainage Board
North Level Internal Drainage Board
Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board
Water Resources East (WRE)
Benwick Internal Drainage Board
March East Internal Drainage Board
March Fifth District Drainage Commissioners
Match Sixth Drainage Commissioners
March Third Internal Drainage Board
Nightlayer Internal Drainage Board
Waldersey Internal Drainage Board
Rural Cams Citizen Advice Bureau
Saeed Arman – Whittlesey Lattersey Ward (Conservative)

86 Norman Road
Mobile:07574 068519
Whittlesey Town Councillor
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am a member of the Finance & Policy Committee ( Vice Chairman )
I am a member of the Website Working Group
I am a member of the Community Projects Committee
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Allotment Society
Glassmoor Bank Wind Farm
I am associated with these Groups and Committees
Whittlesey in Bloom
Peter Bibb – Whittlesey St Andrew’s Ward (Independent)

3 Duddington Gardens
Mobile:07859 021210
Whittlesey Town Councillor
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am also associated with the following outside bodies
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
I am also associated with these outside Groups & Committees
Diana Dickinson – Whittlesey South Ward (Conservative)
Deputy Mayor of Whittlesey Town Council

42 Princes Gardens
Mobile: 07726 762828
Whittlesey Town Councillor
I am currently on the following Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am a member of the Website Working Group
I am a member of the Community Project Committee
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Growing fenland
Dee Laws – Whittlesey North West Ward (Conservative)

39 West Delph
Mobile: 07951 036667
I am also a Fenland District Councillor
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Website Working Group
Chairman of Growing Fenland Whittlesey Stakeholder Group
I attend the Planning Committee as a non-voting member
I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees
Fenland District Council Portfoilio Holder for Planning and Flooding
Licencing Committee (Substitute)
The (CPCA) Combined Authority Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee (Substitute)
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Fletton Liason Group (Forterra)
Delph Flood Warden Group (Chairman)
Whittlesey Relief Road (SOBC)
I am also connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies
Feldale Internal Drainage Board
Hundred Wisbech Internal Drainage Board
March West & White Fen Internal Drainage Board
Middle Level Commissioners
Middle Level Commissioners Navigation Committee
North Level District Internal Drainage Board
The Combined Authority Environment & Sustainable Communities Committee
Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board
Water Resources (WRE) Strategic Advisory Group
Whittlesey Sothern Relief Road (SOBC)
Benwick Internal Drainage Board
MAG008 – Cambridgeshire North SW Challenges Committee
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough FloW Committee.
Dr Haq Nawaz – Whittlesey East and Villages (Conservative)

81 Glenfields North
Mobile: 07480 770973
I am also a Fenland District Councillor
Whittlesey East & The Villages
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am a member of the Finance & Policy Committee
I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees
Appointments Panel (Substitute)
Audit & Risk Management Committee (Substitute)
Culture, Arts & Heritage Executive Advisory Committee
Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Employment Committee (Vice Chairman)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council Outside bodies
Station Project Board
Glassmoor Bank Wind Farm
I am connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies
Feldale Internal Drainage Board
Health Committee
Hundred of Wisbech Internal Drainage Board
The (CPCA) Combined Authority Transport & Infrastructure (Substitute)
The (CPCA) Combined Authority Employment & Skills Committee (Substitute)
Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board
Gurninder Singh Gill– Whittlesey South & Whittlesey St Andrews Wards (Conservative)

184 Eastrea Road
Mobile: 07380 139247
I am also a Fenland District Councillor
Whittlesey South Ward (Conservative)
Whittlesey Town Councillor
Whittlesey South & Whittlesey St Andrews Wards (Conservative)
I am currently on the following Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Fenland Transport and Access Group
I am connected with these Fenland District Council outside bodies
Feldale Internal Drainage Board and Whittlesey & District Internal Drainage Board
Barry Wainwright – Coates & Eastrea Ward (Independent)

10 Bryony Close
Mobile:07544 654552
Whittlesey Town Councillor
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Planning Committee
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council Outside bodies
Rural Cambs Citizen Advice Bureau