Jason Mockett – Whittlesey Lattersey Ward (Conservative)

c/o whittlesey Town Council Peel House 8 Queen Street
Email: jasonmockett@whittleseytowncouncil.gov.uk
Mobile: 07713 635108
I am also a Fenland District Councillor
I am currently on the following Whittlesey Town Council Committees
I am a member of the Finance & Policy Committee
I am a member of the Community Projects Committee
I am currently on the following Fenland District Council Committees
Audit & Risk Management
Conduct Committee
Licencing Committee (Substitute)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)
Project Review Executive Advisory Committee (Substitute)
I am connected with these Whittlesey Town Council outside bodies
Hereward Rail Partnership
Whittlesey Southern Relief Road (SOBC)